Much of the interior was restored in 1842-1843. On the side walls are two paintings on canvas, also by Balducci: Expulsion of the Non-believers from the Temple and Parable of the Loaves and Fishes (1591). Along the north side of the nave is the Chapel of St. Sebastian with a painting by Francesco Cungi of the Martydom of St Sebastian (1587). Visit Volterra in July and August, the peak season in Tuscany, and witness the modern, lively side of the town during the Volterra Jazz Festival. La cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta è il luogo di culto cattolico principale di Volterra, in provincia di Pisa, chiesa madre dell'omonima diocesi. Nell'attigua cappella, dedicata al Santissimo Nome di Gesù, è conservata, in un ricco reliquiario d'argento, una tavoletta con il monogramma di Cristo, che si ritiene dipinto da San Bernardino da Siena. Save Volterracentro to your lists. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, the Volterra Cathedral, was rebuilt after a violent earthquake around 1120 on top of a pre-existing church dedicated to St. Mary and was then expanded in the second half of the 13th-century.. Gli stessi rombi sono presenti anche nella facciata a salienti, ripartita in tre comparti da lesene quadrangolari di tipo lombardo. Al centro della volta è raffigurato l'Eterno Padre, frammento di un ciclo pittorico eseguito da Niccolò Circignani con Storie della vita della Vergine. L'interno, pur conservando nella struttura e nell'impianto la forma basilicale a croce latina a tre navate, offre un aspetto tardo-rinascimentale. Flights to Volterra Volterra Hotels Volterra Vacations † Prices are based on rates available during the past 24 hours for a one-day rental with a pick-up date of tomorrow. Above the door to the rectory hangs a canvas of The Immaculate Conception with Saints by Cosimo Daddi. Lo spazio è diviso da ventidue colonne rivestite di stucco simulante granito rosa, intervento eseguito nell'ambito del restauro del 1842-1843, mentre i capitelli in stucco bianco realizzati nel Cinquecento e messi a oro sono di Leonardo Ricciarelli. Parrocchia Maria SS. Il gruppo scultoreo, opera di maestranze volterrane, consta di cinque figure: oltre al Cristo, nell'atto di sorreggere le mani e le braccia del Deposto sono la Madonna e san Giovanni Evangelista; inoltre Giuseppe d'Arimatea e Nicodemo raffigurati mentre si affannano con scale e arnesi. Below the monument are eight marble intarsia panels, originally part of a 12th-century Tuscan balustrade. Volterra Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, or Duomo di Volterra) is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Volterra, Italy, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Our goal is simple. We want you to enjoy a worry-free adventure and create some unforgettable new memories. Anche le pareti dipinte a bande bianche e grigie, il presbiterio e il pavimento sono frutto del restauro ottocentesco. Catch a train from Rome or Florence, or hop on one of the local buses to get into Volterra. The pulpit has three reliefs depicting the Last Supper, the Annunciation, and the Sacrifice of Isaac, and the lions at the base of the columns are undoubtedly 12th-century works of the Guglielmo school, perhaps carved by the Pisan sculptor Bonamico. The admiral, in a scene including the Baptistery of Volterra, appears in conversation in the lunette of the Procession to Damascus above the altar. The rustic stone façade was built in Romanesque style using spolia from the Roman theater of Volterra in the portal. Ai lati, sopra due colonne tortili del XII secolo, sono collocati due angeli cerifori che sarebbero stati eseguiti dallo stesso Mino. The cost of the decoration was more than ten thousand ducats. It is ok, if you walk around city center, but there are a lot of streets/buildings better. It was commissioned in 1522 to thank the saint for his intervention in stopping an epidemic of the plague; the candle holders depicting angels are by Andrea Ferrucci. Coordinate: 43°24′06.45″N 10°51′31.15″E / 43.401792°N 10.858653°E43.401792; 10.858653, La cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta è il luogo di culto cattolico principale di Volterra, in provincia di Pisa, chiesa madre dell'omonima diocesi. The price is Rs6,523 per night from 31 Dec to 1 Jan Rs6,523. What is there to do near Hotel Foresteria Volterra? This chapel was commissioned by the Inghirami family, built for Admiral Jacob Inghirami, and designed by Alessandro Pieroni. Visiting Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale. Book now & save with no cancellation fee. La cattedrale mostra nel transetto una decorazione di gusto classico, includente lunette ornate con la tecnica dell'ornato appiattito di gusto preromanico, e rombi digradanti che accoglievano al centro bacini ceramici. Recommended spots to visit include Etruscan Museum (0.8 mi) and Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale (0.8 mi), along with Palazzo Incontri Viti (1 mi) and Palazzo dei Priori (1.1 mi). The figure of the prelate dressed in his finery in a sleeping pose on the sarcophagus was executed by Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli, one of Michelangelo's assistants. Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale is located in a historic area of Volterra known for its its beautiful countryside. Nel novembre del 1957 papa Pio XII l'ha elevata alla dignità di basilica minore. The nave's mosaic floor of the Romanesque Cathedral is still preserved and it was probably built in the 12th century. In 1580, bishop Guido Serguidi, with the approval of Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, commissioned the decoration of the intricately coffered ceiling of the nave and crossings, designed by Francesco Capriani, carved by Jacopo Pavolini, and gilded by Fulvo della Tuccia. L'altare maggiore ospita l'elegante ciborio di Mino da Fiesole (1471). A trasmissione elettrica, dispone di 21 registri distribuiti su due manuali e pedale.[2]. Book through today. The Diocese of Volterra is a Roman Catholic episcopal see in Italy. Sulla linea delle navate si aprono sei cappelle, che accolgono opere di pittori del secondo Cinquecento. I volterrani contribuirono generosamente tanto che la cappella venne consacrata il 24 settembre dello stesso anno. The stucco capitals were completed in the 16th century by Giovanni Paolo Rossetti and Leonardo Ricciarelli. The main altar, mainly dating from the 19th century, has a marble ciborium with flanking angels (1471) by Mino da Fiesole. The ceiling has sculpted reliefs of Saints Ugo, Giusto, Pope Linus, Clemente, Attinea, and Greciniana, round a central symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the ceiling of the crossing are depictions of God the Father and Stories of the Life of the Virgin (1585) above the choir by Niccolò Circignani. The choir stalls were completed in the 14th century. The second chapel to the right, the Collaini Chapel, has a Birth of the Virgin (1618) by Francesco Curradi, and the third chapel to the right, the Perissi Chapel, a Presentation in the Temple of the Virgin (1590) by Gianbattista Naldini. Le prime notizie storiche della Cattedrale di Volterra risalgono alla sua consacrazione nel 1120. Nel novembre del 1957 papa Pio XII l'ha elevata alla dignità di basilica minore.[1]. Created with Sketch. cattedrale di santa maria assunta pisa The rectory stalls are the work of Francesco del Tonghio and Andreoccio di Bartolomeo, while the fine 15th-century intarsia on the bishop’s throne and the chaplain's benches are the work of unknown Tuscan masters. In the 19th century, the walls of the interior were painted in stripes that suggest typical Tuscan decorative church architecture. The monument was erected in 1840, with a bust by Aristodemo Costoli and decoration by Mariano Falcini. Segue la cappella della Madonna del Barbialla o dei Chierici, scultura lignea di Francesco di Valdambrino (primo ventennio del XV secolo). Volterra Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, or Duomo di Volterra) is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Volterra, Italy, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Nel 1584 fu ricomposto il pulpito con parti di suppellettile del XII secolo, dovuto probabilmente allo scultore pisano Bonamico. According to the Liber Pontificalis, Volterra was the birthplace of St. Linus, the immediate successor of St. Peter. Volterra is an ancient Etruscan town, later conquered by the Romans.. Descrizione 2020 Italia Volterra congiunta MF con Vaticano Basilica Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta a Volterra francobollo tariffa B grigio nero rappresentante la Basilica emissione congiunta con la Città del Vaticano in minifoglio da n. 10 esemplari. Situated in Volterra, this apartment building is steps from Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale, and Etruscan Museum. The Chapel of the Deposition has a group of five wooden polychrome figures representing the Deposition of Christ executed in 1228 by an unknown Volterran artist. Via Porta all'Arco, Volterra, Provincia di Pisa. Catch a train from Rome or Florence, or hop on one of the local buses to get into Volterra. Agostino Veracini painted the Patron Saints of Volterra (1741) featured on the walls. It also contains an Annunciation (1497) by Fra Bartolomeo della Porta. La cattedrale di Volterra Un importante edificio religioso che si affaccia su Piazza San Giovanni è il Duomo dedicato a Santa Maria Assunta. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, City Hall website, entry on the cathedral,, 12th-century Roman Catholic church buildings in Italy, Articles needing additional references from June 2012, All articles needing additional references, Articles lacking in-text citations from June 2012, Articles containing Italian-language text, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 January 2021, at 09:49. The Oratory of the Virgin Mary (Cappella dell'Addolorata) contains a fresco of the Nativity with a Journey of the Magi by Benozzo Gozzoli on the left and an Epiphany on the right. Dietro si apre la cappella maggiore o coro, i cui stalli, di forme gotiche, furono eseguiti da maestranze senesi alla fine del XIV secolo. Painted terracotta figures, almost life-size, have recently been attributed to Giovanni della Robbia. It was decorated in stucco by Leonardo Ricciarelli and painted by Giovanni Balducci. The elongated nave and interior space form a Latin cross. The Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower) is a major tourist attraction in the city of Florence, in the region of Tuscany in Italy. Non è sicuro quale sia stata la prima cattedrale cittadina; in ogni caso a partire dal IX secolo esisteva una chiesa dedicata a Santa Maria. Show Map. The campanile of 1493 replaced an older belltower. Looking for hotels in Volterra near Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale? The bishop is Bishop Alberto Silvani, appointed in 2007. Si tratta della opera d'arte più antica che si conservi ancora all'interno del duomo. Visit Volterra in July and August, the peak season in Tuscany, and witness the modern, lively side of the town during the Volterra Jazz Festival. Off the south transept is the entrance to the Serguidi Chapel (1595), previously the Chapel of the Holiest Sacrament, or Chapel of the Miracles, the design of which is attributed to Vasari. Justus (560), the brother of Clement, who with Ottaviano are the three patrons of the diocese of Volterra, was at first involved in the Schism of the Three Chapters. Contatti: 058888261 Del complesso della cattedrale fa parte anche la cappella dell'Addolorata, dove sono custoditi due gruppi statuari in terracotta dipinta, attribuiti ad Andrea della Robbia: il Presepio, con l'affresco della Cavalcata dei Magi di Benozzo Gozzoli, e l'Adorazione dei Magi. Per la sua datazione solitamente si fa ricorso ad un documento datato 3 gennaio 1228 nel quale il vescovo di Volterra Pagano elargiva una particolare indulgenza a chi avesse concorso al pagamento delle onerose spese per la realizzazione di tale opera. Whatever time of year you choose to visit Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale in Volterra, it’s always a good idea to reserve a package deal. La nostra Parrocchia è una delle 88 Parrocchie della Diocesi di Volterra, guidata dal Vescovo Alberto Silvani. Other elements and the alabaster intarsia were added in 1584, when an earlier balustrade was dismantled and the pulpit was reconstructed. A ridosso della parete di fondo dell'abside si trova l'organo a canne Tamburini opus 159, costruito nel 1934 ed integro nelle sue caratteristiche foniche originarie. Save on popular hotels near Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale, Volterra: Browse Expedia's selection of 3230 hotels and places to stay closest to Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale. The duomo sits in the heart of the wonderfully provincial Tuscan town of Volterra. Above the altar is a canvas of the Ecstasy of St Carlo Borromeo before the Virgin by Jacopo Chimenti, and on the side walls Saint Mary Magdalene of Scolaro by Guido Reni and an Immaculate Conception by Francesco Brini. Il portale marmoreo è costituito da materiale di reimpiego proveniente dal teatro romano di Vallebuona. The old town is wonderful, but this Duomo (cathedral) is really normal, it has nothing especial and it is located in the old town, but not in the main square. Segue al lato del transetto destro la cappella del Sacramento, decorata dagli stucchi di Leonardo Ricciarelli e dalle pitture di Santi di Tito, Giovanni Balducci e Agostino Veracini, mentre al lato del transetto sinistro si trova la cappella dedicata a San Paolo, adornata con marmi pregiati e alla cui decorazione furono chiamati Gherardo Silvani, Giovanni Caccini, Giovanni da San Giovanni, Domenico Zampieri, Matteo Rosselli e Francesco Curradi. Find cheap deals and discount rates that best fit your budget. AlbergoDiffusoVolterra. The Chapel of the Annunciation contains an Annunciation by Albertinelli in collaboration with Fra Bartolomeo who painted the angel in the canvas in 1497. Giovanni Mannozzi (Giovanni di San Giovanni) painted the frescoes of the Life of Saint Paul on the ceiling. The cathedral contains the funeral monument of the humanist bishop of Cavaillon, Mario Maffei, who died in Volterra in 1537. CATTEDRALE DI SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA Dove: Piazza S. Giovanni, 56048 Volterra PI Orari messe: domenica e festivi ore 8.00, ore 18.00 | feriali ore 18.00 la messa è preceduta dalla recita del Santo Rosario alle ore 17.30 (escluso il sabato). To the left is the chapel commissioned by Ludovico Incontri in 1645. On the walls, are paintings of The Mission of St. Paul in Damascus by Matteo Rosselli and the Beheading of St. Paul (1623) by Domenichino. The nave spans 22 columns decorated with stucco simulating rose-colored granite. If you’re looking for a convenient place to stay, check out the 67 hotels and other accommodations you’ll find within a mile. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 14 ago 2020 alle 21:26. ... Chiesa Santi Pietro e Leopoldo, Saline di Volterra (6.1 km ↙) Santuario di Nostra Signora di Fatima, Montignoso, Firenze, Toscana (11 km ↑) The intarsia over the door is attributed to Pisano.[1]. Details of the earlier church on the site are not clear, although a church dedicated to Saint Mary is known from the 9th century. Die Gruppe der drei Bauten nimmt Bezug aufeinander, wobei die Domfassade beherrschend wirkt[2] und insgesamt als edel gilt. Nicola Pisano is said to have been involved in further reconstruction in the mid 13th century. The present church was rebuilt after the earthquake of 1117 that destroyed most of the town, and consecrated by Pope Calixtus II in 1120. Volterracentro. The Chapel of the Holiest Name of Jesus has an architectural 16th-century frame preserving the monogram of Christ donated to Volterra by San Bernardino of Siena encased in a precious silver 18th-century shrine. Cathedral of Volterra is the most important religious building in this town, a medieval one in Tuscany Region, in the center of Italy. La Basilica Cattedrale. It is the seat of the bishop of Volterra. Dating back to the 12th century, it is also older, though smaller, than the Duomo di Florence. Its marble sarcophagus holds the remains of Saint Ugo dei Saladini, a 12th-century bishop of Volterra. The Verani Chapel contains an Immaculate Conception (1586) painted by Niccolò Circignani. A sinistra è la cappella dove sono conservate le spoglie di Sant'Ugo, vescovo di Volterra nel XII secolo. Find cheap deals for a wide range of hotels near Parrocchia Basilica Cattedrale from CA $84. The first chapel to the right of the entrance, the Giorgi Chapel, has an altarpiece by Pieter de Witte, depicting the Offering of Volterra to Virgin and Saints (1587) commissioned by Captain Francesco del Bovino of the Giorgi family who appears in the left-hand corner of the painting.
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