We are bound above all to consider as an ideal the kind of farm which is owned and managed by the family. 27. Our beloved sons, the laity, can do much to help this diffusion of Catholic social doctrine by studying it themselves and putting it into practice, and by zealously striving to make others understand it. In it the Supreme Pontiff confirmed the right and duty of the Catholic Church to work for an equitable solution of the many pressing problems weighing upon human society and calling for a joint effort by all the people. The attempt to find a solution to this problem has given birth to a number of theories. Similarly, Our Predecessor, Pius XII, rightly asserted that our age is marked by a clear contrast between the immense scientific and technical progress and the fearful human decline shown by "its monstrous masterpiece . Personal Initiative and State Intervention, 53. Human life is sacred—all men must recognize that fact. Rerum Novarum is extolled: "Here for the first time was a complete synthesis of social principles, formulated with such historical insight as to be of permanent value to Christendom ... rightly regarded as a compendium of Catholic social and economic teaching",[4] "the Magna Charta of social and economic reconstruction"[5] whose influence was not only apparent in later Church documents, but "discernible too in the subsequent legislation of a number of States". (30). We must also express here Our heartfelt appreciation of the work that is being done by the International Labor Organization—popularly known in various countries as the O.I.L. It was promulgated on 15 May 1961. In the first place, considerable thought must be given, especially by public authorities, to the suitable development of essential facilities in country areas—such as roads; transportation; means of communication; drinking water; houseing; health services; elementary, technical and professional education; religious and recreational facilities; and the supply of modern installations and furnishings for the farm residence. 148. 49. It had given rise to a great accumulation of wealth, and, in the process, concentrated a despotic economic power in the hands of a few "who for the most part are not the owners, but only the trustees and directors of invested funds, which they administer at their own good pleasure.'' It is for individuals, therefore, to regulate their mutual relations where their work is concerned. 242. [14] The Pope urged that measures be taken to restore balance between the agricultural sector and industry, as well as development of better facilities and services in rural areas so that "agricultural living standards approximate as closely as possible those enjoyed by city dwellers". It is Our prerogative to be a Father, and there is a special place in Our thoughts and in Our heart for those professional groups and Christian associations of workers which exist and operate in so many parts of the world. It will not be difficult for the body politic, by the adoption of various techniques of proved efficiency, to pursue an economic and social policy which facilitates the widest possible distribution of private property in terms of durable consumer goods, houses, land, tools and equipment (in the case of craftsmen and owners of family farms), and shares in medium and large business concerns. Men, too, are becoming more and more conscious of their rights as human beings, rights which are universal and inviolable; and they are aspiring to more just and more human relations with their fellows. mater et magistra de su santidad juan xxiii sobre el reciente desarrollo de la cuestiÓn social a la luz de la doctrina cristiana. Encyklika Mater et magistra o rozwoju społecznym w świetle doktryny chrześcijańskiej (Jan XXIII, 15 maja 1961) Encyklika Pacem in terris o pokoju między wszystkimi narodami opartym na prawdzie, sprawiedliwości, miłości i wolności (Jan XXIII, 11 kwietnia 1963) Encyklika Populorum progressio (Paweł VI, 20 marca 1967) 81. The nations of the world are becoming more and more dependent on one another and it will not be possible to preserve a lasting peace so long as glaring economic and social imbalances persist. There was also the constant spectre of unemployment and the progressive disruption of family life. There is also a further temptation which the economically developed nations must resist: that of giving technical and financial aid with a view to gaining control over the political situation in the poorer countries, and furthering their ownplans for world domination. Finally, both workers and employers should regulate their mutual relations in accordance with the principle of human solidarity and Christian brotherhood. making the assistance they give an excuse for forcing these people into their own national mold. In dealing with the family the Supreme Pontiff affirmed that the private ownership of material goods has a great part to play in promoting the welfare of family life. 25. These are the three stages that are usually expressed in the three terms: look, judge, act. Those who live on the land can hardly fail to appreciate the nobility of the work they are called upon to do. Further, history and experience testify that in those political regimes which do not recognize the rights of private ownership of goods, productive included, the exercise of freedom in almost every other direction is suppressed or stifled. 214. Christianity is the meeting-point of earth and heaven. This policy is in fact being pursued with considerable success by several of the socially and economically advanced nations. This attitude must inevitably impair the bodily and spiritual health of the workers, whose welfare We have so much at heart. In some countries arable land abounds, but there is a scarcity of population; whereas in other countries the position is reversed: the population is large, arable land scarce. 194. 118. The magnitude of his achievements deserves ungrudging admiration; nor is he yet at the end of his resources. Hence, as the Pope remarked so discerningly, "economic domination has taken the place of the open market. That a man should develop and perfect himself through his daily work—which in most cases is of a temporal character—is perfectly in keeping with the plan of divine Providence. 7. Personal gain was considered the only valid motive for economic activity. Again, some countries use primitive methods of agriculture, with the result that, for all their abundance of natural resources, they are not able to produce enough food to feed their population; whereas other countries, using modern methods of agriculture, produce a surplus of food which has an adverse effect on the economy. It pains Us, therefore, to observe the complete indifference to the true hierarchy of values shown by so many people in the economically developed countries. In the social field we have the development of social insurance and, in the more economically advanced communities, the introduction of social security systems. (5). It also puts into the hands of public authority a greater means for limiting fluctuations in the economy and for providing effective measures to prevent the recurrence of mass unemployment. 40. But a contributory cause of this movement away from the country is doubtless the fact that farming has become a depressed occupation. This means that everything must be done to ensure that social progress keeps pace with economic progress. 255. 67. 104. (40) Allocutio, 3 May, 1960; cf. It is part of the natural order, which teaches that the individual is prior to society and society must be ordered to the good of the individual. 91. Men, and consequently States, are in mortal fear of each other. It must rather augment his freedom while effectively guaranteeing the protection of his essential personal rights. Processus aboutissant aux canonisations Béatifications. Of special doctrinal and practical importance is his affirmation that "if the social and individual character of work be overlooked, it can be neither justly valued nor equitably recompensed." 61. (25). And unto his saints: and unto them that are converted to the heart. To His Venerable Brethren the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and all other Local Ordinaries that are at Peace and in Communion with the Apostolic See, and to the Clergy and Faithful of the entire Catholic World. Here We would like to express Our sincere appreciation of the work which the F.A.0. Now, if ever, is the time to insist on a more widespread distribution of property, in view of the rapid economic development of an increasing number of States. In Our view, therefore, formal instruction, to be successful, must be supplemented by the students' active co-operation in their own training. Attention must then be turned to the need for worldwide co-operation among men, with a view to a fruitful and well-regulated interchange of useful knowledge, capital and manpower. Pius XI was not unaware of the fact that in the forty years that had supervened since the publication of the Leonine encyclical the historical scene had altered considerably. The progress of science and technology that has already been achieved opens up almost limitless horizons in this held. As we read in St. Augustine: "Lord, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts can find no rest until they rest in you". They were either forbidden, tolerated, or recognized as having private legal personality only. 80. The two can very well be harmonized. If this can be achieved, then a precious contribution will have been made to the formation of a world community, in which each individual nation, conscious of its rights and duties, can work on terms of equality with the rest for the attainment of universal prosperity. There are some indeed who go so far as to deny the existence of a moral order which is transcendent, absolute, universal and equally binding upon all. 215. This has been her course now for nigh on two thousand years, from the early ministrations of her deacons right down to the present time. First of all it is necessary to emphasize that if these two kinds of undertaking are to thrive and prosper they must be prepared constantly to adjust their productive equipment and their productive methods to meet new situations created by the advance of science and technology and the changing demands and preferences of the consumer. Който може, да направи повече. It has to promote production in a way best calculated to achieve social progress and the well-being of all citizens. She is mother enough to befriend such projects with her prayers." Furthermore, a suitable economic and social policy must be devised which will take into account the supply of labor, the drift of population, wages, taxes, credit, and the investing of money, especially in expanding industries. Interest on capital, prices—whether of goods or of services—profits and wages, were to be determined by the purely mechanical application of the laws of the market place. (7) It has also the duty to protect the rights of all its people, and particularly of its weaker members, the workers, women and children. They opened out new horizons for the activity of the universal Church, and the Supreme Shepherd, by giving expression to the hardships and sufferings and aspirations of the lowly and oppressed, made himself the champion and restorer of their rights. She is ever powerful to offer suitable, effective remedies for the increasing needs of men, and the sorrows and anxieties of this present life. In Our paternal care as universal Pastor of souls, We earnestly beg Our sons, immersed though they be in the business of this world, not to allow their consciences to sleep; not to lose sight of the true hierarchy of values. It is a difficult task indeed, yet a most noble one. It must be spread by every modern means at our disposal: daily newspapers, periodicals, popular and scientific publications, radio and television. But if the family farm is not to go bankrupt it must make enough money to keep the family in reasonable comfort. In politics, too, it is of no small consequence that citizens are becoming daily more aware of their responsibility for furthering the common good in all spheres of life. Each fears that the other harbors plans of conquest and is only waiting for a favorable moment to put these plans into effect. 117. It has been claimed that in an era of scientific and technical triumphs such as ours man can well afford to rely on his own powers, and construct a very good civilization without God. 166. (40) [Hence], it is necessary to educate one's conscience to the sense of responsibility which weighs upon each and every one, especially upon those who are more blessed with this world's goods." 38. And so the belief is engendered that if a nation is to assert its rights and pursue its own interests, there is only one way open to it: to have recourse to violence; ignoring the fact that violence is the source of the very greatest evils. They help to make him a better man, both in the natural and the supernatural order. We therefore paternally invite Our beloved sons—craftsmen and members of cooperatives throughout the world—to realize the greatness of this task which is theirs in the State. With this object in view, people all over the world must co-operate actively with one another in all sorts of ways, so as to facilitate the movement of goods, capital and men from one country to another. Time and again He proved them by His actions, as when He miraculously multiplied bread to alleviate the hunger of the crowds. 134. a los venerables hermanos patriarcas, primados, arzobispos, obispos y demÁs ordinarios de lugar en paz y comuniÓn con esta sede apostÓlica, … Yet at the same time, the divine Master frequently extends to the rich the insistent invitation to convert their material goods into spiritual ones by conferring them on the poor. But these problems can become difficult of solution, or even insoluble, if man, led astray in mind and perverted in will, turns to such means as are opposed to right reason, and seeks ends that are contrary to his social nature and the intentions of Providence. Here is a spectacle for all the world to see: thousands of Our sons and brothers, whom We love so dearly, suffering years of bitter persecution in many lands, even those of an ancient Christian culture. (22) It is in this that the right of families to migrate is rooted. The principles she gives are of universal application, for they take human nature into account, and the varying conditions in which man's life is lived. As he said at the beginning of his exposition of the principles and precepts of the Church in social matters: "We approach the subject with confidence, and in the exercise of the rights which manifestly appertain to Vs, for no practical solution of this question will be found apart from the counsel of religion and of the Church." Both sides must work together in harmony, and their respective efforts must be proportioned to the needs of the common good in the prevailing circumstances and conditions of human life. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE JOHN XXIII ON CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIAL PROGRESS. Moreover, in becoming as it were the life-blood of these people, the Church is not, nor does she consider herself to be, a foreign body in their midst. He consists also of spirit; he is endowed with reason and freedom. Scientific and technical progress, greater productive efficiency and a higher standard of living are among the many present-day factors which would seem to have contributed to this trend. We shall return shortly to the question of the family farm. Enormous riches accumulated in the hands of a few, while large numbers of workingmen found themselves in conditions of ever-increasing hardship. In performing this task, which is a noble one, they must not only be well qualified in their trade or profession and practice it in accordance with its own proper laws, they must also bring their professional activity into conformity with the Church's social teaching. MAY 15, 1961 . 180. Men in labor unions are showing a more responsible awareness of the major social and economic problems. 83. 176. 132. Traduzione delle versioni di LATINO contenute nel libro di latino LINGUA MATER e LIBRO LINGUA MADRE Work, which is the immediate expression of a human personality, must always be rated higher than the possession of external goods which of their very nature are merely instrumental.
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