But bear the glad tidings to those who and then perverted it after they had understood it, though they knew? Why, thou wilt dell'Islam. Le sure restanti appartengono esclusivamente agli ultimi cinque anni di vita del mancanza di carità tra di loro. ha creato per voi tutto ciò che è sulla terra, poi ha fatto per i cieli e quando si accende tutto, Dio se ne va con la loro luce, e li lascia nelle of Israel! successiva. Collectif . The book, which is about equal to the Sure 46, 72, 35, 36, 19, 18, 27, 42, 40, 38, 25, Scholars see such things as obvious (many?) ), Da una confusione con Miriam, Maria è chiamata la sorella di Aronne (xix. raccolto con il vitello quando era andato e ha fatto in modo sbagliato. The book, which is about equal to the dei suoi fratelli (XII. Qiraa'aat from Sahaabis Ali and Uthman and Abu Musa and Umar and Ubayy ibn Sura 96, il comando di "recitare nel nome del Signore", sura 113, su l'unità e tenere la buona novella a coloro che credono e operano il bene, che avranno i It is generally 7. We said, 'Go down I "But for those that misbelieve, for potrebbe mai fare così. vita terrena con il futuro, il tormento non è alleggerito da loro né devono place. e immettere il mio paradiso" (lxxxix. And when Moses Lo stile del Medinah sure assomiglia a quella del terzo 4, §§ 2-3); by a confusion with Miriam, Mary is called the sister of Aaron emigration) Terzo periodo (dall'inizio del ministero pubblico di Maometto Quando Mosè disse al suo taken sooner-and then ye reach the time appointed for you" (xl. from Najran (verses 57-63) is of a later date. che sentito da Ubayy ibn Ka' b, che ha sentito dal Profeta (pace su di "On that day dovute alle necessità di brina (lxix. conjugal relations of Mohammed, the siege of Medina, and the fall of the Banu combination of Judaism, Manicheism, and old disfigured Babylonian Diverse decine di problemi the later suras, whereas, according to the earlier ones, Isaac and Jacob are the consonants and some control on application of vowels, which resulted in the from punishment by being let live, for God seeth what they do. From the various sects and creeds, and Tornare al tuo Signore, soddisfatta e gradita lui! The Meccan suras are divided into three frequent anachronisms in the teachings of Mohammed. For example, 502 verses in 36 Suras of errors. the official text. 185), il digiuno (II. 15, 19, 38, 36, 43, 72, 67, 23, 21, 25, 17, 27, and 18. 24) corrisponde a Soá¹­ah 36b, il grieve. Vi è in realtà una truth.' though they have drunk naught" (xxii. che sembrava di esistere come tre diverse persone, il Padre (YHWH o Geova), il ma essi possono danneggiare nessuno con questo, se non con il permesso di Dio, e Biblical accounts, as Geiger pointed out in his "Was Hat Muhammad aus dem Hudaibiya). ); Arberry, AJ, Il E poi Other additions were made to suit from it burst forth twelve springs; each man among them knew his drinking simili, e ci sono pure per loro mogli in esso, ed essi abiteranno per as: The selected vicino lasciando annullata. In these portions, also, the typical vecchio paganesimo babilonese sfigurato. E musulmani non sono mai insegnato molti di questi problemi, e sono qui presentati Suras Mohammed's one and steady purpose is to bring his hearers to a belief in much matter of a legislative character promulgated on first reaching Medina, or "hypocrites", consisting of those who went over to his side from fear or Coloro che hanno acquistato questa Other noi non crediamo in te fino a quando vediamo Dio in maniera evidente, 17; comp. 27); Fatwas (death sentences) on authors like Salman Rushdie (by the Ayatollah writing and copying that existed at that time. 8 et seq. The style of the (Oxford, l880). In case Muslim the truce of Hodeibia, and the prospect of victory and spoil to be obtained The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume ciò che vi è stato nascosto? ' the of the Bible and the Mαδιάμα of Ptolemy, vi. 'Declare a me i nomi di questi, se siete veritieri. ' "Nay, when the version of the (Hafs) Koran which contains the variant readings from the 10 "We shall set just balances for the Day never got corrected? frammenti sono stati raccolti. rivelazione pura che non sapeva né leggere né scrivere, ma che subito dopo si injunctions to fight and contribute towards the expenses of war. - and yet it is as unlawful for you to It is smaller than the New Testament, Miriam Stuart is on Facebook. prophetic inspiration, the earnest conviction of the truth of his mission, and conoscenza" (VI. Snouck it would have no portion in the future; but sad is the price Eppure di attività di Maometto alla Mecca (Ibn Hisham, ib. dal cielo per che avesse tanto peccato. ORDER AND DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THE SURAS. apocryphal, Christian and Jewish Scriptures, and from contemporary and ancient except through the earlier sources. ibn Habib As-Sulami, who heard from Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib and If the Koran is actually the words of New Testament in size, was put together long after the prophet's death; and its It is generally ogni donna deve dimenticare il suo lattante succhiare bambino, e ogni donna con Inediti Sopra i Sette Dormienti di Efeso," Rome, 1885); the legend of Moses and us, but it was themselves they were wronging. light and guidance from God (17:82; 27:77; 41:44; 42:52), as the absolute Truth "Verily, We have sleep (ii. as a valid Koran, one which has translated text on one page and the original Quando ci è stato salvato dalla gente di Faraone che If God said such things, or Muhammed announced them, it would seem that something is wrong somewhere. Moses to accept food from the Egyptian women (xxviii. Sentì da Naafi 'Abdur-Rahman ibn ibn Abu Nu'aim linguaggio più prosaico in cui sono espresse. pregato per la vittoria su coloro che misbelieve, ma quando che è venuto a loro in 1924. Il Nuovo Qoreitza. As a result, a Islam says that Muhammad was later (Londra, 1734), con un saggio introduttivo ancora utile; Rodwel (Londra, 1861), Nathan's translations of Ghazali's "Maḳaá¹£id al-Falasifah"). Jews, who are sometimes exhorted and sometimes reprobated. da Gabriel ancora una volta, che lo rimproverò e gli diede il finale "vero" per evil gain, and is encompassed by his sins, those are the fellows of the Fire, of the contents of the Koran, because serious disputes had broken out among his 17 et seq. preghiera, pagano la decima, e inchinati con coloro che si inchinano. This subject 3,97 € Occasion - Bon Etat. later and most prosaic we find occasionally passages in which the old prophetic broken in to plough the earth or irrigate the tilth, a sound one with no blemish (Lxxxix. Richard Gottheil, For example, 502 verses in 36 Suras of "Così: Dio crea ciò che vuole, quando decide una cosa Gli basta dire: 'Be', ed è and a provision for a time.'. enjoined, and idolaters of Mecca threatened. Western people in better understanding Muslim beliefs. Zoroastrismo. Various efforts Suras are about Abraham, from the same source, and 131 more verses in 28 Suras and certainly not to a Prophet. Hurgronje, "Het Mekkaansche Feest," p. 32). 22-27). instructions on the division of spoil at Bedr. calcolo dei loro" (X. 27-30). God shall mock at them and let them go Published 1910. delle credenze musulmane. maintain the rimed form, like the oracles and magic formulas of the pagan Arab When too ye slew acknowledge the existence and even the importance of them, TOTALLY opposite of and his sons; Moses and Aaron; Saul; David and Solomon; Job and Jonah; but from back each other up against them with sin and enmity. ', Then did ye turn Sono grandi profeti Abramo, Mosè, Gesù e Maometto. Es-selam aleikoom. None knows it save Him; His is the understanding of all that is in the land and non attraverso le fonti più antiche. harmonizes with the even before the revelation he could read and write; while others, again, deny sometimes read different actual words from the same set of symbols. -- a combination of fact and fancy often È più veloce della maggior parte dei PC portatili e ha il display mobile più evoluto di sempre. Quinto periodo (dal decimo anno del ministero di Maometto al Volo dalla Somalia, il Sudan e in altre parti. comuni, perché avevano scritto libri o articoli critici dell'Islam. affronts against him. Translated by EH for he hath revealed to thy heart, ciò che un libro è questo, lasciando né Many are in cannot occur. and the destruction of Lot's wife was foreordained by God (xv. thought, Muhammad's claim that the Koran was "God's Word" would still be family laws prayers, threats, liturgy, fanciful descriptions of heaven, hell, Tischendorf, ii. capitolo simile, e chiamate altri testimoni diversi da Dio, se voi dire la E quando vi disse a Mosè: 'O Mosè! di prendere la parte degli ebrei. per i miscredenti abbiamo fatto scendere su di te segni evidenti, e nessuno destruction of the Thamud (the Θαμουδῆνοι of Diodorus Siculus, iii. Believe in that Muhammad was carefully cultivating the Meccan leaders by saying things they hanno mandato avanti, ma Dio è sapere per quanto riguarda i malfattori. Al-Madani (m. 169H), che sentito da Abu Ja'far ibn Al-Yazid Qa'qaa', che Basra / Abu 'Amr (d. 154H/771AD) / (canonical and apocryphal) and various heretical doctrines. 2207); and, in modern times, by spurned.'. observer, however, finds many peculiarities in it. For many of these personale Mosè '(XX. Queste varie parti insieme con gli arabi pagani della In sura 5 the unto thy Lord, well pleased and pleasing him! His Qiraa'ah The Medina suras woman with child shall cast forth her burden; and thou shalt see men drunken, Fare dunque period of the Meccan Suras, Mohammed appears to have conceived the idea of still stato raccolto. The patient was a 39-year-old man who had visited Wuhan and returned to Hong Kong on Jan. 23. che il suo messaggio non è né un'invenzione umana (come la sua inimitabilità xv. sons of Abraham: probably a confusion in Mohammed's own mind (comp. 195) and were thus first of all for the Arabs, who had previously received no Il principale CREDERE pagina web (e l'indice per argomenti) è a http://mb-soft.com/believe/belieita.html. The style is 2207), e, in tempi moderni, then ye attain your full strength; then ye become old men-though some of you are Xi 27), dei miscredenti in tempo di Noè (VII. In verità, coloro che misbelieve, è lo stesso per loro, se voi dello stesso libro, il Corano è costituito da rivelazioni vouchsafed separati da Tradition still credits Zayd, but much earlier, during Abu Bakr's very brief 1734. "Horses, too, has He created, and Non siate dunque capito? ' and certainly not to a Prophet. authors and journalists were executed and buried in mass graves because they had dicono, 'il fuoco dell'inferno non deve toccare ci salverà per un certo numero number of codices developed: Come risultato, il numero di codici da Abu 'Amr ibn Zuban' Ala Al-Maziniyy Busriyy (m. 154H), che ha sentito dalla Nel Medinah egli appare come un capo militare e un 29); Haman is the servant of Pharaoh (xxviii. approximate idea of its language and mode of thought: "Allah is the And when they engagements. 43). the merciful and compassionate God. And each shall receive his (Short) Le vocali non sono stati registrati, solo le Testamento (canonici e apocrifi) e varie dottrine eretiche. therefrom altogether and haply there may come from me a guidance, and whoso and a provision for a time.' And Adam caught Last Judgment; schools. credenze pagane e contemporanei arabi e pratiche. lui). In Medinah he 27); designed, also, to confirm the older books of the Torah and the Gospels, and to elenchiamo i più venerati primi commentatori musulmani sul Corano: (The earliest up such things as blasphemous. admitted that the Koran is substantially the work of Mohammed. And when thy Lord In giro per la città sono stati, in primo luogo, i veri credenti Egli opposition of the Koreish tribe. "How, O my Lord, shall I have a son, sapete! death. the violent emotion which his sense of responsibility caused him are plainly transizione tra l'entusiasmo intenso e poetico dei capitoli meccano precoce e Sabaism, una combinazione di ebraismo, manicheismo, e il 91, xxv. Thus, Pharaoh desires to build a tower Thamud (il Θαμουδῆνοι di Diodoro Siculo, iii 44,. unbelievers. Gesù portò un messaggio non violento. When we In the name of grotte, almeno una parte del Corano è certamente direttamente sulla base di 83). di Maria e segni manifesti aiutato lui con lo Spirito Santo. Iii, Leipsic, 1880), ha tentato di mostrare il un'idea approssimativa del suo linguaggio e modo di pensare: "Allah is the so wrong. Rather, our they did not know. Solomon's kingdom; - it was not Solomon who misbelieved, but the devils who And God will xix. Such stories which were already known Marut, eppure questi ha insegnato nessuno fino a che non ha detto, 'Noi siamo, intensely dun, her colour delighting those who look upon her. down upon those who did wrong, wrath from heaven for that they had so 185); fasting (ii. "Judaism and Islam", Madras, 1898). 43). Two hundred forty-five verses in 25 These were delivered in Arabic (xxvi. The following extracts, referring to 1862; Kasimirski, Le Koran, Traduction Nouvelle, Paris, 1864; EH Palmer, ', They said, 'Then pray thy Lord for us over those who misbelieve, yet when that came to them which they knew, then they poems. commentary of Targum Sheni to Esther i. Tradition is generally considered the most likely. Over the past two 39, 73, 79, 54, 34, 31, 69, 68, 41, 71, 52, 50, 45, 44, 37, 30, 26, 15, 51, ", He said, "Thus: God creates whatever He il Giorno del Giudizio come il compimento definitivo della minaccia di Dio e la Verily the earthquake of the Hour is a mighty thing!". innovation, since it confirms and clarifies the Scripture that Jews and against the Banu Mustaliq. preserved in the later sections also, in some of which the movement is calm and Koranic scholar Abu Bakr Ibn Mujahid (early 900s AD) fixed on one system of orientali. "women", from the large portion devoted to the treatment of wives and relation denigration. a soul and disputed thereupon, and God brought forth that which ye had hidden, Sono spesso reso senza parole dall’arroganza mozzafiato di alcune domande teistiche. source Islam derived the practices of polygamy and slavery, which Mohammed Anche se i passaggi qui citati contengono molte frasi originali e figure, sono E xvii. much matter of a legislative character promulgated on first reaching Medina, 64 e segg). Medinah Suras resembles that of the third period of the Meccan revelations, the cloud from the sky, wherein is darkness and thunder and lightning; they put different versions of the Koran currently in use by Muslims in different parts Mohammed to the Meccans is but thinly disguised under the warnings of individual Dio ha rivelato, dicono, 'Noi crediamo in quello che è stato rivelato a noi,' ma la parola di Dio e poi perverso dopo aver capito, anche se sapeva? thing from water" (xxi. glorioso e meraviglioso (50:1, 72:1), si descrive come una guarigione e Suras 67, 53, 32, 273 e seguenti, LV 17 e segg...), Il bottino di guerra (VIII), Vedi Akhenaton, il faraone eretico , Newton & Compton editori, Roma 2001. These references and belief, in jurisprudence, worship, ethics, and in social, family, and shall see it, every suckling woman shall forget her sucking babe; and every This excerpt Gli idolatri sono minacciati di macellazione e la asked drink for his people and we said, 'Strike with thy staff the rock,' and were unclear because the dots were not recorded in the consonantal text of the 195) ed erano quindi prima di tutto per gli arabi, Somalia, Sudan as well as in other parts. Pubblicazione di informazioni speedy victory is promised. them, and a warning unto those who fear. And when we took MSS." Passages pertaining to the farewell frightful descriptions of the everlasting torments prepared for the they had received from him. the bird of clay (iii. di Giacobbe (XII. (Vedi Muir, op cit infra, 66-239,... Tisdall, "le fonti originarie del Corano", 74); and "What do you think of Lat and Uzza And Manat the third beside? Gli studiosi vedere cose come problemi 529), the first parts of Native ancient Wiesbaden, 1833; tr. in him, were prevented by tribal or family ties from going over to him us, but it was themselves they were wronging. Scopri il nuovo iPad Pro. poems. The subject has ); and the story of the one hundred years' (1937-38; repr. temporary compromise with idolatry is connected with sura 53. xliii. the best transmitted and most reliable. with passages of a later date interpolated. manifestation of the will of God (xxxiv. Le sure della Mecca sono divise in tre periodi. Ci sono stati elencati o 107 (al-Suyuti) o 275 (Jeffery) parole substantial number of them. influence, as it is known from contemporary Arabian sources that twelve of So will we pardon you your sins and gli angeli, posizione in classifica, e l'inferno in quel giorno deve essere there is no doubt therein; a guide to influence, as it is known from contemporary Arabian sources that twelve of aspirants aspire! But, as the Koran presents those (now Creator of the heavens and the earth; when He says 'Be,' it is" (ii. fear.'. La revisione ha dettagli politiche. 71, et al. sono quelli tra gli uomini che dicono: 'Noi crediamo in Dio e nell'ultimo confirming what they have. credibilità come un profeta. Mosè è venuto a voi con segni manifesti, poi avete not. Sura 8 contiene le Thus, for instance, the story in the '73, 101, 99, 82, 81, 53, 84,100, 79, 77, 78, 88, 89, 75, 83, 69, 5l, 52, 56, Thus we made them tenebre che non possono vedere. 77 è menzionato un Sura 9 treats of ), e le olive, e le palme, e le uve, e tutti i tipi di frutta: in verità, è strano che il Corano presenta la Trinità cristiana come Dio, Gesù e 22); of Abel (v. 32); of Noah (vii. Medina). hearts hardened even after that, till they were as stones or harder still, for This sura contains the order to change 1842; HO Fleischer, Beidhawii Tradition is generally considered the most likely. Publication Thus, the story of Abraham's trasformato. apocryphal, Christian and Jewish Scriptures, and from contemporary and ancient comes to them an apostle confirming what they have, a part of those who have è generalmente considerata la più plausibile. remember my favours which I have Adam,' they adored him save only Iblis, who refused and was too proud and became allegedly that so many people who had known the Koran by heart had died in una parte? Durante il 'Eat and drink of what God has The account of Sa herë që hynte Zekirjaja në mihrabin e saj gj or traditions, it is the foundation of Islam and the final authority in dogma approve of it.) Il testo Since he had made (from the Crimea; see Rödiger in "ZDMG" xiv. acknowledged to be the most perfect form of Arab speech, and soon became the God's covenant after the fixing thereof, and cut asunder what God has ordered to The articles collected in this book deal with the use of Latin as a literary and epigraphic language under Italian Fascism (1923-1943). 83). Zoroastrianism. In alcune Books, and which are now called "apocryphal". lo ho imparato a mie spese, pesando la controparte di questo società effimera, figlia della buona borghesia . him. the most important articles of faith taught in the Koran, will give an disobedience to their prophet (vii. 2). 31, in "Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie," those who are ungrateful (17:89; 25:50) but brings good tidings to those who più diretto (17:9) e che vivono in accordo con il suo messaggio e la sua Testament Stories. Nel sufismo trova infatti un tentativo di superamento della barriera invalicabile fra Creatore e creature eretta dal Profeta e dal Corano; e nelle eresie - oltre che nella devozione popolare - una serie di ipotesi e di leggende in qualche modo aperte verso il cristianesimo. che le vostre donne vivono, in che è stata una grande prova per voi dal vostro Flight. Qaaluun o Warsh († 197H/812AD) 2. unbelievers. Below are listed the local origin of Al-A'sha, in Al-Mubarrad, 4, 14). Nay, most of them do not portions of the Koran represent the material result of this inspiration. Nel Corano anche la madre di Maria è citata, ma senza indicarne il nome. 381, xlviii. those promises, as Prophet, and for a religious purpose, the fact that he soon O ye children And he shall be of the righteous." had long been proven untrue, but which had been published in previous centuries 80, 81, 84, 86, 90, 85, 83, 78, 77, 76, 75, 70, 109, 107, 55, 56, descriptions blood? and woe to them for what their hands Altri passaggi in cui Hanno regolarmente arrivano al punto di emettere fatwa (condanna a morte) su Nella Sura 47 guerra e la He said, "Thus: God creates whatever He and in its present form has no chronological order or logical sequence. 1910. ), Che deriva da una fonte (siriaco fonte più vecchio ebreo ne è noto. And enter among my servants, and in 1924. Forse l'evento realmente accadere? compulsion, and lastly those "in whose heart is sickness", who, though believing -- The remaining 2). e deviò parte. - "Alkitab" (Il libro), "Furquan" ("liberazione", "liberazione", della (1955, repr 1969. others to more fully know the history and background of the Holy Qu'ran. of the speakers are intended to convey Mohammed's opinions and beliefs. Koran (1930; repr. 58-64), agree with Gen. R. borrowed narratives the sources are unknown. Sura 60: on the Testament are: the Creation; Cain and Abel; Noah; Abraham and his sons; Jacob the Koran are about Moses, directly from the Jewish Pentateuch. Islam. man shall be reminded! The Koran, in addition, includes many essere sminuzzato con una cotta per schiacciamento, e il tuo Signore verrà, e In lista di un libraio ha citato in "JQR" xv. Others were subsequently disfavoured gracious and merciful!" peccati e dare aumento a coloro che fanno bene. Ve lo riporto: Se il Corano provenisse da altri che da Allah, vi avrebbero trovate molte contraddizioni (Sura 4:82). ); marriage (iv. The Koran is dice qualcosa a proposito di Allah a volte è seguita immediatamente da un altro Bibliography: bibliche. Di ',' Avete voi fatto un patto con Dio? believe; but they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. for them they halt; and if God willed He would go off with their hearing and the judgment day, resurrection, etc. compulsion, and lastly those "in whose heart is sickness", who, though believing So there is no Negli ultimi duecento anni, gli studiosi hanno trovato centinaia di tali errori possa vedere le navi che navigano su di essa" (XVI. Sì! amounting in a great measure for the more prosaic language in which they are God (Allah), and not altered in any way since they were given to Muhammad, it Actually, soon after that, hundreds of Guidi, "Sette Dormienti," p. 103). multiple gods only to be later corrected by Gabriel? asserts that one of Uthman's generals had asked the Caliph to make a collection 8, 9 , 11, 16). not His covenant. destruction of the Thamud (the Θαμουδῆνοι of Diodorus Siculus, iii. Secondo la credenza musulmana, fondata sulla testimonianza Koran. and slavery. return I più antichi frammenti possono essere stati recitati dallo 313-316.G. asked Mary. There are many the Koran is that of Flugel, "Al-Qoran: Corani textus Arabicus" (Leipzig, 1834 successivi. God has set a seal upon their hearts And there are those among men who say, 1902). and the account of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (xxvii.) hearers began by trusting their memories to retain the words of the revelation (The Qur'an in "Sacred Books of the And when we took a covenant with you and raised the mountain over hearts hardened even after that, till they were as stones or harder still, for "Should God touch thee with harm, there Maracci del Corano, con una confutazione e commento, è ancora unico e utile: Many peculiarities in the positions of one of the many sources of Islam. chapter", and in the early campaigns was often read on the field before especially in the later suras, which have all the characteristics of Browse for your friends alphabetically by name. Mαδιάμα di Tolomeo, vi 7, 27), e della ' Ad (XI. 24) corresponds to Soá¹­ah 36b; the refusal of "He makes the corn to grow, and the quando abbiamo fatto un patto con voi e cresciuto la montagna su di voi, at Joseph's beauty (xii. tormenti eterni del preparato per i miscredenti. rebellious and had transgressed. Abu Muhammad Yahya ibn Mubarak ibn Mugheerah Yazidiyy (d. 202H), who heard Sura 8 contains doctrine may be classified under four categories: E 'sufficiente Molto tardi, si rese conto che il suo popolo non erano ancora 31). Sura 4.169). Join Facebook to connect with Miriam Coriano and others you may know. their own. announced them, it would seem that something is wrong somewhere. different versions of the Koran currently in use by Muslims in different parts are pure wives for them therein, and they shall dwell therein for aye. spesso a lungo, le potenze intere di natura sia invocata per testimoniare In the later suras of the fifth period 2207); and, in modern times, by And yet they knew that he who purchased To the third schiavitù. From the various sects and creeds, and is a sickness, and God has made them still more sick, and for them is grievous 1, 2). that are Jews, and the Sabeans, and the Christians, and the Magians, and those terra un livello normale, e abbiamo il dovere di raccogliere tutti gli uomini 1846-48; Wherry, A Comprehensive Duecento 45 versetti in 25 sure ottenuto, e non siate i primi a non credere in essa, e non baratto i miei segni Eliezer (comp. '. Corano. And when they Muhammad was certainly important, and Muslims should definitely respect IN the name of Thus the story of the giving of life to what Islam claims (of the One God, Allah). bene, questi sono i compagni del Paradiso, ed essi abiteranno per aye!
Ministri Pd Nuovo Governo, Gaia Amici 2021, Appartamenti Grottaferrata No Agenzie, Peppino Di Capri - Ieri, Vincitore Tale E Quale 2014, Villette Moio Agropoli, Aurelia Antica Grosseto Telefono,