An 8.9 magnitude earthquake under the sea near Aceh, north Indonesia, at 0759 local time (0059 GMT) generated the biggest tsunami the world has seen for at least 40 years. Quanto è veloce l’onda di maremoto? 66. tsunami indonesia 2004. Available to download. 11 anni fa | 65.9K visualizzazioni. Guarda a tutto schermo. Die verheerende Wirkung beruhte hier vor allem auf dem großen Wasservolumen, das pro Kilometer Küstenlinie auf das Land traf, während die Wellenhöhe mit zumeist nur wenigen Metern … Le onde dello tsunami del 2004 erano da tre a quattro metri. Photograph: AFP/Getty. [1] [2]O maremoto foi causado por uma subducção que desencadeou uma série de tsunamis devastadores ao … Cerca. Lo tsunami del 26 dicembre 2004 colpì Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India e Thailandia: un terremoto di 9.1 magnitudo scatenò onde alte come palazzi. Directed by J.A. Lo tsunami del 26 dicembre 2004 filmati inediti The tsunami of 26 December 2 … JOIN NOW. During the monumental Indian Ocean tsunamis on December 26, my wife, my son and I had just arrived at the south end of Patong Beach, on the island of Phuket, one of the severely impacted beach areas in Thailand. 3. Dezember 2004 wurden durch den großen Tsunami in Südostasien mindestens 231.000 Menschen getötet. Read CNN's Tsunami of 2004 Fast Facts and learn more about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that followed the world's third-largest earthquake on record. More Details . Starring: Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland. Tracking one family's harrowing experiences, this gripping drama depicts the chaos generated by the massive 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. The waves of the 2004 tsunami were three to four meters. On both sides of Ton Sai are semicircular bays lined with beaches. Das harte Vorgehen der Polizei befeuert die Proteste. Naomi Watts nabbed an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her work in this film. Il Theptharo Resort, a Khao Lak, in Thailandia, distrutto dallo tsunami. Sui fondali bassi della costa, dove la velocità è passata da circa 800 km/h a qualche decina di km/h, poichè la quantità di acqua spostata nell'unità di tempo rimane costante, è aumentata l'altezza dell'onda: l'altezza massima raggiunta è di 35 m. Ausgelöst wurde die Welle durch eines der stärksten Erdbeben seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen. 2004: Thousands die in Asian tsunami. Altogether, an estimated 230,000 to 260,000 people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Watch offline. Staff and agencies. 29 dicembre 2004. Tilly Smith (born 1994) is an English woman who has been credited with saving the lives of about 100 beachgoers at Maikhao Beach in Thailand by warning them minutes before the arrival of the tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Sono le 6:58 del mattino (00:58 UTC) del 26 dicembre 2004 quando, nella regione di Banda Aceh, in Indonesia, la terra trema: è l’inizio di una delle maggiori catastrofi naturali degli ultimi 100 anni. 11 dicembre 2014. Lo tsunami del 26 dicembre 2004 filmati inediti The tsunami. Le onde di tsunami viaggiano ad elevata velocità in mare aperto, propagandosi per migliaia di chilometri. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami and, by the scientific community, the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake) occurred at 07:58:53 in local time on 26 December, with an epicentre off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.It was an undersea megathrust earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.1–9.3 M w, reaching a Mercalli intensity up to … Massive sea surges triggered by an earthquake under the Indian Ocean have killed over 10,000 people in southern Asia, with many more feared dead. With Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland, Oaklee Pendergast. Smith, who was ten years old at the time, had learned about tsunamis in her geography class. L'ampiezza d'onda si riferisce all' altezza dell'onda sulla linea di mare calmo (in genere e' uguale a 1/2 della altezza d'onda ) . Thailand was one of the countries that was hit by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Seit Tagen gehen in Thailand Tausende gegen Regierung und Monarchie auf die Straße. Due to proximity of the Andaman coasts of Thailand situated just about 500 km east of the earthquake epicentre, the tsunami took just 2 hours to reach and strike the western coastline of the country. Segui. Libreria. The island's main village, Ton Sai (Banyan Tree, Thai: ต้นไทร), is built on a sandy isthmus between the island's two long, tall limestone ridges. Al diminuire della profondità dell’acqua, l’altezza dell’onda cresce, fino ad infrangersi sulla costa con grande impatto. 2005 wurde Thaksin mit Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit wiedergewählt, seine Partei konnte erstmals in der demokratischen Geschichte Thailands eine Alleinregierung bilden. In mare aperto dove la velocità è stata massima l'onda ha raggiunto un'altezza che va da qualche decina di centimetri al metro. The Impossible (Spanish: Lo imposible) is a 2012 English-language Spanish disaster drama film directed by J. The story of a tourist family in Thailand caught in the destruction and chaotic aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The September 2007 Sumatra earthquakes were a series of megathrust earthquakes that struck the Sunda Trench off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, with three of magnitude 7 or greater.A series of tsunami bulletins was issued for the area. Accedi. Dezember 2004 wurde die Westküste Thailands schwer vom Tsunami im Indischen Ozean getroffen. The Question: Soon after the devastating tsunamis in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004 and in Japan on March 11, 2011, many people have asked, "Could such a tsunami happen in the United States?" On 26 December 2004, much of the inhabited part of Phi Phi Don was devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami. The most powerful of the series had a magnitude of 8.4, which makes it in the top 20 of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on a seismograph Sun 26 Dec 2004 14.43 EST. Ne abbiamo visto esempi in altri paesi; per esempio, la Tailandia è riuscita a reagire dopo il devastante tsunami del 2004 e le inondazioni del 2011. A man surveys tsunami damage off the coast of Lunawa, southern Sri Lanka. Registrati. La scossa è fortissima, provoca il crollo di numerosi edifici e sembra interminabile. On December 26, 2004, at 7:59 am local time, an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Aardbewings, aard- of grondverskuiwings, vulkaniese uitbarstings, ontploffings en die impak van buiteaardse liggame soos meteoriete kan 'n vloedgolf veroorsaak. La lunghezza d'onda delle onde oceaniche normali e' dell'ordine dei 100 metri, quello degli tsunami 200 Km. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Khao Lak was the coastal area of Thailand hardest hit by the tsunami resulting from the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.Many people died including many foreign tourists. More than 11,000 people in … Bayona. 45 giri. With Hugh Bonneville, Gina McKee, Samrit Machielsen, Grirggiat Punpiputt. The earthquake that led to the tsunami occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004, off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. 'n Tsoenami (uitgespreek as tsoe-NA-mie), 'n tipe vloedgolf, is 'n reeks golwe (genoem 'n "golftrein") wat in 'n watermassa veroorsaak word deur 'n puls of skielike versteuring wat 'n waterkolom vertikaal verplaas. O sismo e tsunami do Oceano Índico de 2004 foi um terremoto/sismo submarino que ocorreu às 00h58min53 UTC de 26 de dezembro de 2004, com epicentro na costa oeste de Sumatra, na Indonésia.O terremoto é conhecido pela comunidade científica como terremoto de Sumatra-Andaman. Il 26 dicembre del 2004 un violento tsunami colpì l’Indonesia: un’onda anomala si alzò sull’isola di Sumatra e causò la morte di 230 mila persone. Altezza d'onda L'altezza d'onda e' la distanza tra il punto piu' alto e il punto piu' basso dell'onda. This web page summarizes what we know about tsunamis that have struck the U.S. in the past, providing a foundation for estimating tsunami likelihood in the future. Watch all you want. 2004 tsunami. TSUNAMI, December 26, 2004. A 2004 tsunami took some 230,000 lives in a matter of hours. The tsunamis that occurred as a result of the earthquake in Japan in March 2011 further emphasized the need for detection, monitoring, and early-warning technologies. The tsunami and its aftermath were responsible for immense destruction and loss on the rim of the Indian Ocean. 11 anni fa | 65.9K visualizzazioni. Inspired by true accounts, this HBO miniseries focuses on a group of fictional characters caught up in the harrowing aftermath of the tsunami that devastated the coast of Thailand two years ago. A. Bayona and written by Sergio G. Sánchez.It is based on the experience of María Belón and her family in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.It features an international cast including Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor and Tom Holland.. Our vacation in Thailand took an ominous turn the day after Christmas. The Causation of the Casualties . Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, tsunami that hit the coasts of several countries of South and Southeast Asia in December 2004. 15 anni fa, il 26 dicembre del 2004, onde di oltre 14 metri si abbattevano sulla Thailandia e sui Paesi che si affacciano sull’Oceano Indiano. The devastating impacts of tsunamis have received increased focus since the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, the most destructive tsunami in over 400 years of recorded history. Lo tsunami del 26 dicembre 2004 filmati inediti The tsunami of 26 December 2 0unreleased movies.
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